Friday, March 23, 2012

Entertaining Angels--The Legacy of Dorothy Day

Jesus declared that those who follow him must “take up the cross.” (Mt 10:38) What is Dorothy’s cross in baptizing her daughter and joining the Church? Her love for Forster is great, but greater still is her love for her child—and for her God.

By becoming a Catholic and baptizing her daughter, Dorothy must sacrifice her relationship with Forster and take up the cross of single motherhood. Dorothy knew that Forster was against religion and God, but even though she was madly in love with him, she knew she had to choose the right path. Dorothy chose to find salvation through God and the Catholic Church and she brought her daughter with her.

Her cross was a difficult one to bear. She had to give up the loving relationship she shared with her soul mate in order to become a part of God’s community. However, she felt this sacrifice was worth all the hardships she would face. Dorothy bravely faced raising an infant on her own, while continuing to carry out God’s good deeds through social work. She had no physical human being that she could confide in or lean on, but she had God. She bore the cross of loneliness and single motherhood bravely because through this burden, she was able to affect the lives of thousands of people.

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